Wednesday, June 17, 2020

An Open Letter to My Son's Kindergarten Teacher

I wrote the following poem on the eve of my oldest son's first day of kindergarten in 2016.  Teachers, families send us their whole world when they send their children to school.  And, the whole world needs us to tender them well.

Dear Teacher,
Today, I present you with my Town.
This boy,
This child,
Is the whole world to me.
I’m his mother.
The very best of me has gone into him.
You did not see him take his first steps.
You missed his first words.
The way his eyes lit up the first time he tried a banana
You never heard the peals of giggles my baby released when something tickled his fancy.
The way he stuck out his elbows and wiggled his bottom to the chicken dance
The day he ran his first race
His first trip to the movies
His first and second soccer goal
Dancing in the rain
Flying a kite
And the thousands of other seemingly insignificant little things that mothers revel in when their babies are small
I was there for all of that.
Those memories are mine, locked tight in my heart, steeling me for days like this.
A day that marks firsts that I will not witness
In these miraculous moments, you will be by his side.
The first time he recognizes the letters of the alphabet
The first time he reads
The first time he answers a question correctly
Totals up sums
Makes an elementary school friend
Deals with adversity
Moving through a system in which he will be measured, grouped, and counted
Today, I give him to you… though only for a few hours each day.
Be gentle with this little soul.
His whimsy, his imagination, his humor
All are fragile.
You have the power to magnify these gifts.
He is more than a size, a label, or a number.
You understand every child holds a universe of potential.
Let your light beckon him,
Like the star of Bethlehem lit the Magi’s path
Toward the salvation of epiphany
Thank you for being the first of many to help him become the man he is meant to be.
Mom (formerly known as "Mommy")

Needless to say, his teachers took excellent care of our Town!  I strive every day to care for my preservice teachers in the way that my son's teachers tendered him.

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